Resources & support

Ressources & support
It can be difficult to know how to act or react in the face of violence. Here are some resources and tips to help you, whether you have experienced violence or have been a witness.
If you are in immediate danger, or if you witness an incident, call 17 (in France)
I have experienced a situation of violence.
If you have experienced situations of violence, know that it is NEVER your fault and that there are solutions and support available to help you. You are not alone!

I'm talking about it
The best thing you can do in this situation is to talk about what happened to you with trusted people (friends, family, teachers...).
You can also speak to healthcare professionals (doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist).
You can also reach out to associations for support and guidance.
I report it
Whether you are a minor or an adult, you have the option to file a complaint with the police or gendarmerie. They are required to take your complaint seriously and document it.
If you feel more comfortable, you can write a letter and send your complaint directly to the public prosecutor by mailing it to the judicial court.
If the violence occurred in a sports context, you can report the incident directly on the Ministry of Sports' platform.
I have observed/heard about a situation of violence.

I listen
It’s not always easy to know how to react when someone confides in you about their experience or when you witness an incident. Here are some tips for listening and responding with empathy and active listening:
“You did well to come to me.”
“What you're describing could be considered...”
“What you're describing is serious and forbidden.”
“We'll find a solution.”
“We'll report it.”
You can offer to support the person in their next steps.
Finally, you can suggest that your sports organization take action to prevent violence by requesting awareness sessions.
I report
If the victim is a minor, anyone over 18 is required to report the facts (to the police or gendarmerie and/or the Ministry of Sports in the sports context).
For adults, you can offer to assist the person you're supporting in the steps they choose to take (filing a complaint and/or reporting to the Ministry of Sports).
If the violence occurs in a sports setting, you can directly report the facts on the Ministry of Sports' platform.